Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 326

March/April 2024

Ceramic Review Issue 145

Jan / Feb 1994

Dartington 1933-1993
- Diane Carter

Diane Carter gives a personal view

Art of the Ancient World
- George Ortiz

The George Ortiz Collection of Ancient Art

A Challenging Commission
- Audrey Richardson

Audrey Richardson describes the problem of a large-scale sculptural commission

Photographing Ceramics
- Stephen Brayne

Stephen Brayne gives sound advice

Glenys Barton- Portraits Today
- Glenys Barton

New work at the National Portrait Gallery

The French Connection
- Andrew McGarva

Andrew McGarva sets up his pottery in France

Waistel Cooper: 40 Years On
- Leslie Jackson

Leslie Jackson puts the work of this distinguished potter in perspective

Cecile Johnson
- James Roberts

James Roberts reviews work which treats the pot as art

Dry Textured and Coloured Glazes
- Lesley McShea

Lesley McShea outlines how to prepare and use decorative glazes

How Long Did It Take To Make?
- Barbara Anderson

Barbara Anderson advises on answering ceramic teasers

Travelling Potter
- Jo-Anne Duncalf

Jo-Anne Duncalf enthuses about traveling as a potter

Colouring Clay
- Jane Waller

In Part 2 Jane Waller looks at the ingenuity of individual potters

A Visit to May Davis
- Audrey Richardson

Audrey Richardson is impressed

A Potter's Day
- Morgen Hall

Morgen Hall in Cardiff