Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 326

March/April 2024

Ceramic Review Issue 160

Jul / Aug 1996

Building on Tradition
- Josie Walter

Josie Walter admires Philip Wood's thrown and sprigged earthenware

A Touch of the Vapours
- Alan Wallwork

Reluctantly Alan Wallwork builds a soda kiln and is pleasantly surprised by the results

William Morris Reassessed
- Emmanuel Cooper, Malcolm Turner

Malcolm Turner and Emmanuel Cooper put Morris in the ceramic context

Mexican Bounty
- Douglas Phillips

Douglas Phillips develops clays and glazes in Mexico

Beauty and the Beholder
- Jacqueline Poncelet

Jacqueline Poncelet focuses on the ceramics of the internationally renowned potter Babs Haenen

Columbus in Clay
- Matthew Lawrence

Matthew Lawrence appreciates the ceramics made by Ann Verdcourt for the Columbus celebrations

NCECA 1996
- Shawn Irvin

Shawn Irvin Sims reports

Bodies, Surfaces and Textures
- Emmanuel Cooper

Emmanuel Cooper outlines recent work with clay slips

Pressing, Painting and Printing
- Paul Scott

Paul Scott explores diverse ways of printing on clay

Sandblasting Ceramics
- Dimitra Grivellis

Dimitra Grivellis gives details of a useful technique for potters

A Potter's Long Day
- Chris Clark

Chris Clark pots in Japan