Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
March/April 2024
Jul / Aug 2006
A riot of talent set to take this year's Edinburg Festival by storm
The mix in Jane Abbot's ceramics intrigues Simon Olding
Ceramic Review awaits the Synge-Craven Collection of English Slipware exhibition
Amanda Fielding admires the sophisticated forms of Daniel Smith's porcelain tableware
Kristen Den Hartog marvels at the grace and sway of Susan Collet's delicate vessels
Judy Adams discovers the inner secrets of Chris Wight's luminescent bone china
Alex McErlain chronicles the achievements of Ray Finch
Nuzhat Jabinh considers how the history and philosophy of raku informs her own work
Moira Vincentelli is discovering the living traditions in contemporary African ceramics
Antony Fagin examines how potter Jason Wason has immersed himself in other cultures
Brinda Gill investigates an inspiring new project
Tim Rees describes how highly rewarding teaching in a comprehensive can be
Edward Biddulp plays detective in testing the strengths of Roman samian ware
Ben Brierley unravels the mysteries of shino glazes in this three-page technical feature